The Geography curriculum at Staveley CE Primary School has been carefully designed to fulfil the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum with our Christian vision at the heart. All through their learning journey at Staveley CE Primary School the children will develop a love of learning, curiosity and fascination about the world and its people starting with their local area and environment, venturing nationally and globally by studying each continent, and the varying interaction between physical and human processes in each. The children will engage in a wide range of experiences and opportunities within the local community to encourage them to be active participants in their own communities in the future. The Geography curriculum provides a clear progression of geographical knowledge, skills and enquiry to help the children become self-regulated learners, critical thinkers, good communicators and problem solvers.
What do we teach in Geography?
Throughout their Geographical learning journey children will develop and extend their knowledge and understanding about the world around them. During the Autumn term, children will start by studying the local area of Staveley. The Spring term is focused on the United Kingdom and Europe and the Summer term focuses on the different continents of the world, with all seven continents being studied during a child’s life at Staveley CE Primary School. Throughout school we work on a 2-year rolling programme of study . The children will learn locational and place knowledge and human and physical geographical vocabulary, features and characteristics and their interdependence and significance around the world. The children will develop their geographical fieldwork and mapping skills in order to observe and enhance their locational and place knowledge and to find things out for themselves through practical experiences and visits, using the wonderful local area of the Lake District which we are so lucky to be a part of and further afield on residential visits.
What are the outcomes?
Due to the careful progression of skills and knowledge, the children have a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human features and are able to make links between these from a local to global level. The children have an inquisitiveness about the world around them and know how their actions can have a positive impact on their environment and the future of the planet.