Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to fulfil the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum. Our Christian vision is at the heart of our curriculum plan and sets out to foster in our children a love of learning. Through our curriculum our children will journey through a range of experiences and opportunities which will encourage them to develop a love of their local area, the environment around them and foster a curiosity about the world beyond their doorstep.

We engage in a wide range of activities within our community in order to encourage our children to be active participants in their own communities in the future.

During their learning journey through school we want the children to acquire relevant knowledge and develop skills to enable them to be

  • self – regulated learners
  • critical thinkers
  • good communicators
  • problem solvers

The curriculum is broken down into topics for each subject. Due to the changing class structures, EYFS and KS1 is based on a 2 year rolling programme and KS2 is based on a 2 year rolling programme.

Our lessons are varied and use a range of resources. They build on prior learning, use modelling and memorisation and from guided practice move to independent practice. Through collaboration and group work, the children can learn together and from each other. Knowledge and skills are revisited in order to ensure embedding of knowledge and development of schema.

The curriculum is enriched by a wide range of experiences including residential visits, school trips, theme weeks and days, use of coaches and specialist instructors. Our school benefits from being part of a vibrant and active community. There are a number of local community groups that we work with to enhance our learning and work on core values through.

The impact of our curriculum can be seen in children’s books, displays around school and in discussion with pupils and teachers. There is also evidence of the impact across the school, through displays and floor books.

Teachers track the progress of individuals in all areas of the curriculum to inform assessments and future planning. These outcomes are shared with parents in reports and during parent’s evening appointments throughout the year.

The curriculum is well planned and thought through to enable a wide range of engagement, not only within class but in providing out of class opportunities to enable children to develop themselves as learners and to encourage each child to be as independent as they can be.

We intend for our children to leave our school with a secure understanding of the academic content, knowledge and skills as well as being socially, morally and culturally aware. That they appreciate how to make positive contributions to the local community and leave as well rounded individuals, who are ready to take on the challenges of their next steps in education and life.


Below are links to our long term overviews by class.

Cycle A = 2024-2025

Jacob Long Term Overview Cycle A

Swaledale Long Term Overview Cycle A

Herdwick Long Term Overview Cycle A

Romney Long Term Overview Cycle A

Cycle B = 2025-2026

Jacob Long Term Overview Cycle B

Swaledale Long Term Overview Cycle B

Herdwick Long Term Overview Cycle B

Romney Long Term Overview Cycle B

Whole school subject overviews are available on our subject pages.

The Phonics scheme we follow is Read, Write Inc. The core reading scheme we use is Read Write Inc. As children’s reading skills develop they are encouraged to read a wide range of different types of books.


Remote Education Provision

Our aim would be to always provide face to face education but in the event of an emergency school closure we would be able to move to Remote Education using Seesaw for YR to Y4 and Teams for Y5 and Y6.