Religious Education

What do we teach?

Children at Staveley CE Primary School have an entitlement to receive RE teaching every week. RE is taught in a stimulating, interesting and enquiring way using the Questful RE scheme of learning. This encourages the children to learn, ask questions and evaluate the fundamental questions of life. We give the pupils the ability to evaluate their own and others’ views. The teaching of R.E is important to promote the children’s social, moral and cultural awareness. The values that are embraced will prepare the children with the right skills and attitudes to flourish in the community and in the wider world. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate different religions, beliefs, viewpoints and cultures and develop their own views through enquiry, questioning and investigation.

How is RE taught?

Using Questful RE we aim to enable our children to discover more about religion as well as other world views as we assist them to apply their learning to a range of topics. They are encouraged to express ideas and insights by trying to answer life’s big questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in lessons, receive visitors to school sharing a range of religious viewpoints and undertake their own visits to varied places of worship.
Through these experiences they will gain knowledge and insights to help equip them as responsible citizens, ready to contribute positively to our school, our community and the wider world.
Lessons take place weekly for at least 1 hour and include plenty of time for discussion and reflection and practical activities to help the children develop their thinking. Work is recorded either individually or in a collective RE floor book.

What are the outcomes?

As a Church of England School, we explore Christianity in every year group. As part of the Questful RE scheme we study other world faiths alongside Christianity and make comparisons. This allows us to build on children’s prior knowledge with progression encouraging deeper thinking. We hope this will result in our children developing strong, balanced beliefs and values which they are confident to express in the wider community.
The study of religious and world views also promotes spiritual, cultural, social and moral development and supports pupils’ understanding of British values such as respect and acceptance for others who hold different world views.